in Blog

21 05 2022

First and foremost, what is the athlete program?

The Athlete Program is an online fitness community with over 50 years of combined coaching experience at the highest level in the sport. We are dedicated to helping aspiring athletes reach their goals in competitive fitness.

The Athlete Program offers online programming for athletes at all stages in their competitive fitness journey, from beginners to elite. Over the last 3 seasons we have taken 15 athletes to the CrossFit Games, over 50 to the Semi Final stages and hundreds of athletes to the CrossFit Quarter Finals. We Have also been represented on podiums in competitions all over the globe from local throwdowns to CrossFit Sanctioned Events at the pinnacle of the sport.

We offer a number of different programs for athletes of all abilities and limitations. We offer a 7 day free trial on all our programs so you can make sure it’s the right program for you.

There are no contracts and prices start from £35 per month.

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Athletes Mid Muscle-Up

Tell us more about the history of TAP?

TAP was started back in 2016 by Carl Saville, he brought on Combat Fuel athlete Mike Catris in 2018 and since then the program has thrived and grown into one of the most competitive training platforms on the planet. 

“Over the past 10 years the sport of fitness has evolved. We have seen huge changes in the way we train to succeed at the top end of the sport. Yet we still see athletes not seeing the results they want or deserve, even though they’re training hard!

We feel that most athletes don’t receive the right support in their training, are putting too much time and emphasis on the wrong things and struggle to see progress despite their efforts in the gym because of this.

So, we created The Athlete Program to help bridge that gap. We have 10 experienced coaches on hand working on a range of programs designed to get you the results you deserve with daily workouts tailored to your specific goals.”

Now that you solely own TAP what does the future hold?

I’m personally, really excited about what the future holds for TAP. Since taking over in February 2022 we have already made some big changes to the way things are done with TAP. We have changed platforms to give our members a better experience and more detailed feedback on results. We have doubled down on the detail provided in coaches notes to our athletes. And, we have put together no less than five teams that have all qualified for this year’s European Championships!

My plan is to keep building on this and growing the platform so we can reach more athletes and keep pushing the standard of CrossFit in the UK and overseas.

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The Athlete Program Owner Mike Catris

TAP athlete achievements?

We have taken no less than 15 athletes to the CrossFit Games since 2019 including 6 individual athletes, 2 masters athletes and 7 team athletes.

We have also qualified over 50 athletes to the Semi-Final (or Sanctional) stages in the last 4 years. 

Furthermore, we have had TAP Athletes standing on top of The European Championships podium for 5 of the last 7 years!

But, despite this unreal success at the top end of the sport, we have also seen hundreds of athletes get their first ring muscle up, their first meters of handstand walks or PBs on their snatch that they never thought possible. This means just as much to us as seeing our athletes crushing it on the world stage. 

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Burpees Over Bar

Why is TAP working with Combat Fuel?

TAP is really excited about a brand partnership with Combat Fuel! 

Firstly, we love the products, having worked in the supplement industry for over 10 years I know good supplements when I see them, and Combat Fuel is exactly that.

The fact that the range is 100% safe is a massive thing for us, knowing that the supplements we’re taking are clean and of the highest quality is hugely reassuring. 

Secondly, we love the brand, having spoken to the owners in numerous meetings we are happy to say that our values are clearly aligned, and we are all trying to get the best out each other in this partnership. Being able to have these conversations and that human element of the brand is very important.

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Mike Catris During Training Day

What benefits do TAP members get?

Our members will be given a 15% discount code from Combat Fuel’s entire range.

They will also find Combat Fuel supplements at all our TAP training days to try and keep them going throughout the day.

The benefits of quality supplementation are massive, but the fact that our members can access these supplements for a discounted rate is even better!

Recommended supplements?

Combat Fuel Whey Protein

Combat Fuel Creatine Monohydrate

Combat Fuel Omega 3 Fish Oil

Combat Fuel Zinc and Magnesium

This stack will give you everything you need to help you recover and come back stronger day to day on The Athlete Program, if you combine these high quality supplements with a great program like TAP, you’ll see progress!

Article by: Mike Catris ‘The Athlete Program’ Owner