in Blog

24 05 2022

Mike Catris, who are you?

Mike comes from a strong sporting background; along with boxing and athletics, Mike also played representative rugby from the age of 11, ending his rugby career in the Welsh Premiership.

During his time at university Mike became a personal trainer and studied sports nutrition alongside his degree. With the knowledge and experience he acquired in the industry Mike set up Kratos Nutrition Ltd. in 2011 which has developed into one of the leading nutrition brands in the UK CrossFit market. Since ceasing trading and focusing on The Athlete Program Mike needed a company of equal stature and ethos as his own, Combat Fuel was a natural partnership.

Having always enjoyed the strength and conditioning element to the sports that he played, he discovered CrossFit to help improve performance on the field. In 2012 Mike retired from rugby following an eye socket fracture and took up CrossFit as his sport of choice. Since then, Mike has won numerous competitions across the UK and Europe including The European Championships, Rep it Out, Canarias Gone Bad and the Super Human Games. Mike also competed as part of a team in The CrossFit Games Meridian Regionals in 2015, and the European Regionals in 2018.

In 2019 Mike set up The Athlete Program team and has done on to podium at 5 out of 5 semi final or sanctional events in 3 seasons. Finally qualifying for the CrossFit Games in 2021. 

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Mike Competing

What did you do before CrossFit?

I played professional and semi professional rugby for 7 seasons before having to retire due to injury, double eye socket fracture! Ouch.

How did Combat Fuel Catch your eye?

I’d seen Combat Fuel about at competitions and tried some of their products last year. I was really impressed with the taste and nutritional profile. The fact they are 100% safe made a big difference to me too.

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The team approve of Combat Fuel’s 100% supplement safety record

Biggest achievements to date?

Sports wise, I would say taking the team to the Games in 2021 has to be up there, but also coaching 7 individuals through to the games in the last 3 seasons has been massive too. 

Personally, I think the best is yet to come, I try not to look back on achievements because once they’re done, they’re done. I’ll enjoy the moment then focus on the next thing. 

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Mike competing at the games.

You own TAP, what is it?

Online programing for aspiring CrossFit athletes at any level in the sport. Check it out HERE.

How to you prepare before competing at elite level?

Just train as hard and as honestly as I can, if I know that I’ve done everything I can to be the best I can be on the floor then I can’t be disappointed. Mentally preparing for events is something I’ve always been good at, but taking the time to analyse the workouts and make sure you’re controlling everything that you can in the build up to, and at the event is important.

How do you fuel yourself?

I, Mike Catris, eat very similar food day to day. Food is fuel, for me it’s that simple.

I focus on eating good quality food sticking to my macros and making sure I’m fuelled for training and recovery.

I eat and supplement with a lot of protein then make sure I’m getting enough calories in to sustain my energy levels. But, I try not to stress out about it too much, if I want a burger or something once in a while then I will just let myself do that. 

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Attention to detail.

What Supplements do you use and why?

Protein, creatine, fish oils, multivitamins, and zinc+magnesium

Supplements are all about recovery for me, I want to feel as good as possible for my next training session and supplementing well can definitely help with that. 

What does Combat Fuel mean to you?

First and foremost, it’s a brand I trust. I think that’s as important as anything else I can say! 

I believe in the vision of the company, the people behind it, and the products are second to none, I wouldn’t involve myself in a company that pushes substandard products.