in Blog

01 09 2022

In This blog we chat with bodybuilder Ryan about who he is, what he does and take a look at his bodybuilding journey so far.

Who is Ryan Andrews?

I’m Ryan, owner and founder of RA Coaching, a Personal Training business with the objective of helping everyone achieve a physique they are proud to call their own.

I’ve been Coaching now for over 7 years and in the gym industry for nearly 10 and I’ve loved bodybuilding since i can remember!

Starting off as a part time gym instructor, I soon took on a full time position and as soon as I was qualified, took on a part time role as a Personal Trainer.

I quickly realised that I absolutely loved the 1-2-1 sessions with clients. Being able to see people’s knowledge about fitness grow, as well as their mentality towards living a healthier, better life. Not to mention the joy they would reflect on me via their physical transformations!

A new gym was opening in the same town and I decided it was the perfect time to fully invest in myself as a self-employed Personal Trainer, so I handed in my notice at the gym I was in and within a month, I was fully booked with a waiting list.

So I took the next step in any PTs journey and opened the ‘Online’ side of my coaching and I am still yet to look back! This has helped me be able to reach far more people and help even more clients with all things training and gym! 

I have worked in a few gyms since then and am very excited to be working alongside arguably the best trainers in the area over at Full Motion Fitness (based in Andover). The only thing I can see my business and my own self from here is to grow. Surrounded by like minded individuals and a community that is continually growing is definitely the way to go!!

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Ryan’s peak condition!

How did you become a bodybuilder?

Going backwards, the first gym I worked in was putting on a bodybuilding show for its members. I was convinced by the gym manager to give it a go. So I spoke to one of the other PT’s there who helped me with a nutrition plan and posing and that was it, i was hooked to become a bodybuilder!

I loved everything about the prep! Being so regimented made everything else seem so easy. Every day revolved around training, cardio and steps. All the things I enjoyed anyway.

Sure, there were days when I was just thinking about food but I wasn’t about to let a craving stop me from having my chance on the stage, to be a bodybuilder takes discipline like you wouldn’t believe.

Pretty soon the competition was here and I was lucky enough to win 1st place! first show, first win!

The bug kicked in and I instantly looked for a bigger show with a federation to back it up. 

This led me to compete for a few years with UKBFF, the highlight of which was placing second in a regional qualifier and then 3rd in British Finals for Junior Men’s Physique.

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1st for Ryan!

Then you won a pro card!

Yes! Fast forward a few years and I was competing again, this time with UKUP. In which I managed to win two classes in the same regional qualifier! Mens Tall Physique and Male Model. This jet propelled me into the finals that year. I came away with both a British title and a ProCard in Mens Physique.

All of this in untested federeations (no rules against the use of PEDs/Steroids) while still a natural lifter. 

This year (2022) I have changed federation and stepped back down to amatuer level to compete with the UKDFBA, a natural federation with a very strict enforcement policy against the use of PEDs/Steroids. I am competing in both Mens Physique and Men’s Classic Physique with the main goal of achieving my pro-status within this federation and being invited to the amateur Olympia next year in Spain.

What does the future hold?

Even though I currently have my thoughts solely on my business and physique goals, I can’t wait until I can take my foot off the gas a bit. Giving me time to spend with my family and friends and being able to have a duvet day with a pizza and some good films.

Bodybuilding is an extreme sport. Not because of the risks or the adrenaline, but because it’s incredibly selfish and requires incredible discipline. I can’t tell you how many social events I’ve had to avoid due to training or not being able to take my own food.

Life is about balance and in my off-seasons (non-competition prep months), I love going for different meals, taking trips away to explore new places and generally just enjoying life! If that involves a drink or two, well then all the better! This is something I strive to get all of my clients to understand, new and old! 

Train hard, eat well, but ENJOY the process. If that means you have a meal out with your significant other once a week then that’s fine. So long as you account for it in the rest of the week.

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As a natural athlete I need to cover all bases when it comes to where I get my supplements/nutrition from. All Combat Fuel products have gone through rigorous testing to ensure that it is exactly what it says on the tin and nothing else. Being used widely across the armed forces, in many different fitness competitions such as brazilian jiu-jitsu, strongman, crossfit and bodybuilding to name a few, is a testament to how well researched and viable these supplements are! The last thing I would want to do is put myself through 20+ weeks of prep, only to be flagged up in a drug test due to some dodgy supplement I’d been having. 

I have no doubts whatsoever with Combat Fuel and their products absolutely bang!

Plus have you tried their Clear Whey? Especially spinegrapple with some low fat greek yogurt and mixed frozen berries!! I could honestly eat it all day… I like many other use creatine daily as a fundamental supplement and love their stimulant free pump and focus pre-workout Pumped-Up!

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RA Coaching

Blog By: Ryan Andrews, Combat Fuel Athlete